Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Spray Bottle.

Our new method of manipulation.. er I mean our new incentive for good behavior. It works wonders. Its flavored water in a spray bottle that we spray in their mouths when they're being good. Yes it sounds like something you'd do to train a puppy but it works and they love it. 


Quinn said...

this is hilarious and i love it. oh, and i got your message about not having to get that form signed again just in time. i was about to go down there to get it signed when i got your email.

and about more than five pictures, i just keep adding pictures like normal and it never tells me to stop.

Steph said...

Hahaha... this cracks me up. My mom sprays my cats with a spray bottle when they wake her up in the morning. I was really expecting you to say that you sprayed little children in the face to get them to behave. I guess that's why you are going into teaching and I'm not. Haha.

joslyn marie said...

tara! hey give me your email.. i set mine to private. i miss you!!!!!!!! hope youre loving china. i wanna hear all about it

Jennifer said...


tarabg said...

hey joslyn i dont know how to give you my email cuz you deleted your facebook too so if you see this its haha- i want to see your blog!